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Conversations are happening across the country to ensure safe, quality hearing assistance is available to those who need it. Check below to see what’s happening in Arizona.

Did you know?

17% of Arizona's population has some form of hearing loss.

Current consumer protection action

Summary: This measure requires health care services organizations to provide coverage for a hearing aid, and related services, for the cost of one hearing aid per hearing impaired ear up to $2,200 every 36 months for enrollees under 18 years of age or under 21 years of age, if the enrollee is attending high school. The enrollee may choose a higher-priced hearing aid and pay the difference in cost above the $2,200 limit without penalty. The enrollee may purchase additional hearing aid coverage. Coverage includes fitting and dispensing services and coverage may be subject to deductibles and coinsurance.

This measure applies to coverage issued with an effective date on or after December 31, 2024.

This measure takes effect 90 days after adjournment.

Status: 2nd Chamber

Outlook: This measure passed the Senate Finance and Commerce Committee.

This measure awaits consideration on the floor.

The January 29 amendment applies the measure to coverage issued with an effective date on or after December 31, 2024.

Past consumer protection action

January 14, 2022. NAAG Responds to FDA’s Comment Request on New Over-The-Counter Hearing Aid Rules

“In response to a request for comments from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding new rules regulating over-the-counter hearing aids, NAAG submitted comments encouraging the FDA to take the below steps to ensure that states maintain a role as regulators in this emerging market.”

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May 11, 2021. Attorney General Brnovich Obtains Settlement with Arizona Hearing Device Company to Stop Deceptive Advertising.

“My office will continue to be vigilant in protecting consumers by holding companies accountable for their misleading tactics,” said Attorney General Mark Brnovich. “Consumers looking for an affordable over-the-counter hearing device should do their homework before making a purchase.”

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October 8, 2020. AG Brnovich Warns Consumers About Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids.

“In this era of new technology and self-service, many innovations bring true improvement to the quality of our lives. Consumers, however, need to be careful before purchasing these products,” said General Brnovich. “Arizona consumers should be wary of deals that appear too good to be true and do their research to avoid being scammed.”

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Latest 2023 legislative news

HB 2796. Sponsor: Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley

This measure revises the licensing requirement to require fingerprint clearance cards. This measure is applicable to healthcare occupational licensure applicants. This bill requires applicants for an initial license, license renewal, a reciprocal license, license reinstatement, or limited license to possess a valid fingerprint clearance card when applying for chiropractic, medical, nursing, optician, or physician assistant, acupuncture detoxification specialist, acupuncture, massage therapist, midwife, hearing aid dispenser, audiologist, or speech-language pathologist license after January 1, 2023. ​ This act is effective on December 31, 2022.

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SB 1293. Sponsor: Senator Christine Marsh

This measure adds coverage, pricing, and documentation requirements for hearing aids, including minimum coverage rates for children 18 years old and younger. This measure allows the Department to bi-annually create a licensed list of audiologists hearing aid dispensers for insurers and establish annual minimum coverage rates and limits for children, including 100% hearing aid coverage for each deaf or hard of hearing ear. ​ This measure provides guidance to licensed physicians, audiologists, and subscribers on pricing and coverage requirements under a hearing aid subscription contract and provides evidence on hearing aid coverage by physicians and audiologists. ​ The measure provides coverage, documentation, and pricing for hearing aids within disability policies, group policies, health benefit plans, and blanket disability policies. ​ This measure will take effect 90 days after adoption.

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