Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids
Are they right for everyone?
Hearing is essential to our every day lives. We encourage annual monitoring of your hearing health to keep a watchful eye on changes. Getting the support you need early will ensure you maintain connected to those around you so you can Hear Better and Live Better.
There is a new category of hearing aids that are now available over the counter. This category will be a great option for many, but is not right for everyone. It’s a good idea to consult a hearing professional on your unique hearing loss and needs to guide you to the right solution for you.
OTC vs prescription hearing aids
hearing aidsto moderate hearing loss
hearing aidsA hearing professional can help
hearing aid, or other solution is right for you.
Can OTC hearing aids help your hearing loss? Answer these questions to find out.
Hearing health
Check all that apply to you:Hearing in different environments
Think about your hearing level.Check all that apply to you:
65% [of hearing aid owners] would definitely purchase a hearing aid through a hearing care professional even if an OTC option were available.
States where attorney generals are taking action
As proper regulations are finalized and implemented, companies are currently marketing unregulated, low-quality amplification devices as hearing aids. This has prompted more than 17 states’ attorney generals – both Democrats and Republicans – to warn consumers about these harmful products.
Click below to find out what your state is doing.
States not taking attorney general action
States taking attorney general action