Conversations are happening across the country to ensure safe, quality hearing assistance is available to those who need it. Check below to see what’s happening in Iowa.
Did you know?
20% of Iowa's population has some form of hearing loss.
Past consumer protection action
January 14, 2022. NAAG Responds to FDA’s Comment Request on New Over-The-Counter Hearing Aid Rules.
“In response to a request for comments from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding new rules regulating over-the-counter hearing aids, NAAG submitted comments encouraging the FDA to take the below steps to ensure that states maintain a role as regulators in this emerging market.”
May 26, 2021. AG Miller Cautions Consumers Considering Over-The-Counter Hearing Device Purchases.
"Companies selling these over-the-counter hearing devices promise an inexpensive alternative to a medically approved hearing aid. In reality, these devices are often actually Personal Sound Amplification Products, not FDA-approved hearing devices, and leave consumer with little more than a sound amplifier."
Latest 2023 legislative news
SF 2121. Sponsor: Senator Chris Cournoyer (R)
This measure requires coverage for hearing aids for children 18 years old and younger.
This measure will take effect after January 1, 2023.
SF 2015. Sponsor: Rep. Timi Brown Powers (D)
This measure amends state code to add a new section authorizing audiologists and speech pathologists to provide cognitive screening services if they have completed sufficient training in administering the instrument to provide a sufficient standard of care. The measure also states that an audiologist or speech pathologist may not administer a cognitive screening instrument that requires certification unless the audiologist or speech pathologist obtains active certification prior to the first administration and maintains an active certification. The audiologist or speech pathologist is required to refer the patient to a health care provider or specialist for further evaluation after the completion of the cognitive screening.
This measure defines “Cognitive screening” to mean "the administration of a formal, evidence-based assessment to identify possible cognitive concerns."
This measure defines “Cognitive screening instrument” to mean "a formal, evidence-based test, protocol, or other methodology by which a cognitive screening is administered."
SF 2193. Sponsor: Rep. Timi Brown-Powers (D)
This measure relates to the provision of cognitive screening services by audiologists and speech pathologists.
HF 2568. Sponsor: Rep. Megan Jones (R)
This measure requires coverage for hearing aids for children 18 years old and younger.
This measure applies to insurers that offer individual, group, or small group contracts, policies, or plans that provide for third-party payment or prepayment of health or medical expenses.